Home > I Got Back pay!!!

I Got Back pay!!!

November 19th, 2012 at 11:01 am

My pay got fixed!!! So now I have approximately more than $3,000 coming to me in my next paycheck. My BAS (basic allowance for subsistence) has been messed up for a year. They fixed it pretty quickly, which surprised me.

I'll pay off my fourth credit card this month instead of next month. Also I've asked my parents to call the medical collection and make a settlement with them. So by the beginning of 2013 I'll have ALL of my medical collections paid off and 4 out of 5 credit cards paid off. I'll pretty much have loans left to pay.

Depending on my living situation I'll either pay off the last card by the end of March or August. I'll at least be putting $135/month towards it in March.

My credit report can start recovering and then my score can go up as well. I'm wanting to buy a house in about seven years and the collections were the last negative things on it.


3 Responses to “I Got Back pay!!!”

  1. Beawealthywarrior Says:

    Nice, work your plan!!

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    Congratulations! I'm glad the problem was solved quickly. Smile

  3. Sian Says:

    thank you both!!! i'm so glad that things are lookin up WAY more than i thought they ever would!

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