Home > Workout Jar Challenge

Workout Jar Challenge

April 26th, 2013 at 11:55 pm

I have a new challenge for myself. Every day that I workout I put a dollar in the jar.

My only dilemma is to either put the money in savings or use the money to do something special for myself such as a massage or some other type of treat like that.

I believe that I will do that instead of savings. It's not often that I get massages and I haven't had one in soooo long right now. I may go for one this Saturday but that's because I haven't had one in almost two years and my knee desperately needs to be massaged. My physical therapist recommended it.

This is something that I'm looking forward to but it won't start til next month.

I'm also starting a weight jar. I'll have a jar filled with pebbles or something that will be the same amount of how many pounds I want to get rid of. With each pound gone I will transfer it to another jar that will be for the pounds that I HAVE gotten rid of.

I need a visual representation for what I want in order to have a goal to work towards. If I can't see it then it doesn't exist.

But I like these ideas (I did get them from somewhere else just can't really remember where).

3 Responses to “Workout Jar Challenge”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    Good ideas on the visual representation. And I vote yes on the massage! :-)

  2. Sian Says:

    lol. me too! thanks! =D

  3. baselle Says:

    I have a little tip jar myself. I find it useful to have a big ways to save (refinancing things, hiking your 401K, getting debt free), medium ways to save (coupons, saving on monthly bills), and itty-bitty ways to save ($1 at a time). Means that if you feel stalled on one front, you probably are moving along on the others.

    And your health is another asset. while being healthy doesn't generate money, getting sick sure means you will pay.

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